Thursday, December 17, 2009

RJD2 Sample hunt

It's always interesting to stumble on something and make links...

So here I am, Thursday morning, cleaning out my room to the sound of Curtis Mayfield's self-titled «Curtis». For as we all know, there's no more perfect music for a white kid in a bourgeois neighborhood busy scrubbing wine stains off the wall than a bit of politically conscious African-American funk.

And then it happens.

I hear a harp glissando it's heart out in awesome black-psych-funkiness and I realize I've heard it somewhere before.

I just love that «eureka» feeling...

Here's so you can have it too! (In Mayfield's song, the sample is near the 75% point... either way, just enjoy. Jimi Hendrix cites him as his biggest influence... can you spot it?)

We People Who Are Darker Than Blue - Curtis Mayfield

Here and Now - RJD2